
Intl. Airports

MMZO - Manzanillo Playa de Oro

 MMZO is the airport that serves the city of Manzanillo and is a large gateway for tourism in Colima Wikipedia article for stats Features: Custom runway markings Night lighting HD dirt textures Ground routes Custom parking lot Hand-placed trees Functional service vehicles Libraries: MisterX ALES RA CBD Handy Objects JB (part 1) JB (part 2) RD Opensceneryx ZDP SAM (don't forget to update to...


 MMZO is the airport that serves the city of Manzanillo and is a large gateway for tourism in Colima

Wikipedia article for stats


  • Custom runway markings
  • Night lighting
  • HD dirt textures
  • Ground routes
  • Custom parking lot
  • Hand-placed trees
  • Functional service vehicles


And that's all. Blue skies!

Intl. Airports
Första lanseringen
September 17, 2022
Senast uppdaterad
2 year(s) ago — 1.0




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  • Lanserad September 17, 2022

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